How We Are Funded

Caru is an initiative of Irish Hospice Foundation

Caru is made possible through a partnership between Irish Hospice Foundation, HSE and the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC).  While the HSE and AIIHPC partner on Caru through some funding and training, overall the programme is delivered by Irish Hospice Foundation.

Irish Hospice Foundation:

We are investing in Caru as a new programme and are grateful to our donors and supporters who are enabling us to help make our vision for Ireland’s Nursing Home staff, residents and their families, a reality.

You can make a donation for Caru, to support care and compassion at end-of-life in Nursing Home, via Irish Hospice Foundation here

Health Service Executive (HSE):

HSE is a co-funder of Caru for five years and this support is fundamental to the delivery of the entire programme. Caru comes under the HSE, Integrated Operations – Planning.

All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC):

AIIHPC is a partner of Caru enabling us to deliver continuous learning in nursing homes to empower staff to deliver palliative, end-of-life and bereavement care to residents and their families. For further details see here Caru Programme – AIIHPC

Caru’s strength lies in bringing partners together so that we can deliver our unique programme, free of charge to all private and public nursing homes in Ireland. We thank you for your support.