Bereavement Workshop with Irish Hospice Foundation
What do you need to consider when you know someone is aware they are dying or facing their death? How do you talk to someone who is dying? What informs our practice and ensures best practice? Many would argue that the grief process starts before death. If this is true then what are the implications for the individual, their family or friends and professionals of considering grief through the course of an illness? This workshop will reflect on how we can help people facing death to carefully explore what is important to them and what would support their emotional wellbeing. It will examine whether preparation for and warning of a death can play a positive role in later grieving. We will look at the demanding, often challenging and conflicting issues that arise for people who are ill and what we might do or say to support them. The main focus will be on the needs of adults, but we will also consider the needs of children. The format will include presentation, group discussions and it will be experiential and interactive throughout. It is advisable that those experiencing a recent loss or close bereavement should not attend this workshop.
Date: Fri, 26 April 2024
Time: 09:15 – 16:15 GMT
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the workshop participants will:
- understand some of the issues that arise when someone is aware they are facing death
- understand the complexities of talking to someone who is dying
- reflect on their own experience and clients’ experience of facing death
- be able to confidently begin to communicate with a person who is facing death in a safe and respectful manner
- be informed on consideration of family needs, including those of children
- be informed of current HSE practice and Hospice Friendly Hospitals recommendations
Presenter Profile
Niamh Finucane is the Co-ordinator of Social Work & Bereavement Services, St. Francis Hospice Dublin. She has worked there for over 17 years, initially as a Senior Social Worker on the Community Palliative Care Team and then in the In-patient unit, moving in the last 9 years to her current role. Niamh also has previous experience in Child Welfare & Child Protection work, fostering and Medical Social Work in an acute hospital setting. Niamh has written and presented on the role of social work in palliative care and working in bereavement, including lecturing on MSc in Palliative care and MSc in Social Work. She has been involved in national projects on the development of palliative care and the development of bereavement services.
To register for this event, please do so on Irish Hospice Foundation’s website or their Eventbrite.